Class:   Destroyer (DE)

Crew:   200
D.W.T.:   85,000 Kilotons
    5 Reactors providing 35eu each.
    5 Batteries with a capacity of 90eu each.
    2 Phaser banks with 2000 maximum range.  Each having a total charge of 10eu and a charge time of 3 cycles.
    2 Torpedo tubes. 
    1 Probe launcher of "px2" class.
    6 Shield generators each supplying 200eu of protection with 63% absorption.  Power usage is 20eu per shield with a regeneration of 0.90%
Propulsion:   2 Warp drives providing 285eu each with an efficiency of 67% per drive.  Maximum warp is 10.0 and cruise is 6.7 with a turn rate ranging from 200˚ to 20˚ at maximum warp.
Analysis:   The Destroyer is one of the most dangerous ships in the Federation fleet.  With a top cruise speed of Warp 6.7, it can stay ahead of most heavy capital ships without overheating its engines.  It has two torpedo launchers and a probe launcher.  The combination of the two can devastate an enemy fleet if used properly.