Pre-Plans Stuf

This is where I document the Cozy related stuff that happened before I order(ed) my plans/started building.  I've been interested in the Rutan Long-EZ for a long time, but never really thought about building my own canard aircraft.  As I mentioned in my decision page, I looked at a lot of different airplanes between getting my PPL and now.  During one of my flight lessons, I encountered a Velocity parked at Santa Monica (KSMO) airport.  I was taxiing out from parking, and this stunning canard aircraft was parked alongside the taxiway.  I was fascinated by the lines, and could tell that it was different from the LongEZs I had seen.  I looked up some information on the model and whistled at the price tag.  Definitely not something I could pick up cheap, but it sure was beautiful. 

Later, I flew to Mojave airport (KMHV) during one of my solo flights, and the place seemed almost infested with canards, which I suppose makes sense, as it's very much Rutan-Country up there. 

Well, as I mentioned earlier, I went through a selection phase and decided on the Cozy Mk IV.  At the end of November, 2005, the product I was working on began to be sunsetted and I suddenly became 'unencumbered by employment'.  During the next month, I read more and more about the plane, and a few days ago (January 5th), I ordered the infopacket.  I think that's when I finally decided I was going to do it (instead of just thinking 'sure would be neat').  One problem, not having a source of income appeared to be an impediment to my plans, at least in my wife's eyes.  So right now, I'm reading, planning, plotting, and scheming.  As soon as I find a good job, I'll celebrate by putting in my plans + chapter 4 materials order. which should be around $1,000 together.  As mentioned elsewhere, that order will also start the clock ticking for me to get my shop cleaned up.

- Received information packet.  It's official, I've spent money on it.  Am I a builder yet?

1/9/2006 - Ordered a LongEZ technical lithograph off of  Sure looks pretty online, will it still look that way when framed and hanging in my hallway?  Will my wife let it stay?  We'll find out!  My logic behind this non-structural purchase is that the more reminders I have in my daily life, the more likely I'll be able to put in the hours after work on building without 'forgetting' because some TV show is on. 

1/22/2006 - Making the first order this week for plans and materials for Chapters 1-4, plus an epoxy pump. Added Panel Ideas page.

1/25/2006 - Made my order!  NOW I'm a builder, right?  Enroute via UPS is:
  - One set of plans $500
- One gallon MGS 285 Epoxy $86
- One quart slow hardener for the above $24
  - One ratio pump for the epoxy/hardender $250
- The materials for Chapter 4 of the plans $460.

1/31/2006 - Finally received my serial number and word that the materials are shipping.  I am the proud owner of Cozy MK IV plans serial #1432, which is funny, as that used to be the combination to get in at Santa Monica Airport when I received my pilots certificate.  (eerie music)

Cozy Page - Ben Hallert - - Progress: 4 hours - 0% of estimated 2700 hours construction. - Last updated 4/23/06
All text and original photographs copyright Ben Hallert except where otherwise noted.  Cozy Mk IV is a registered design of Aircraft Spruce and the author makes no claim otherwise.